On August 27 2001 Anita had a minor stroke (TIA) she spent a few days in Salem Hospital and recovered completely. She was placed on Coumidan a blood thinner.  A planned hip replacement was therefore postponed to December 20 2001. The hip replacement was done by Dr Sweetland at Salem Hospital  She stayed there over Xmas 2001 and New Years 2002. Because of the holiday, staff was short and I was permitted to care of her during much of the days and nights. After a short time in  the Shaugnessy Rehabilitation  Center I continued to care for her at home. During April 2002 she developed abdominal pains. Her phsician, a Dr. Alexander, treated her for a viral infection. Pains persisted and an X-ray was taken at the Swampscott Trauma center. The x-ray showed nothing significant. After more extreme pain and nausea, I took her to Salem Hospital Emergency  where, after waiting in severe pain for four hours, a Dr. Yee gave her Sofran and told her to to go back to Dr. Alexander. I then consulted the internet about her symptoms, which she described as 'similar to gallbladder attacks', I suspected a blockage of the pancreatic ducts and, when Dr. Alexander again mentioned a virus, we forced him, under threat of malpractice. to admit her to Salem Hospital and to call in an internist. Two days later a cat-scan revealed an inoperable tumor in the head of the pancreas. Standard FU5 treatment and radiation alleviated the pain. Dr Susan Kaplan, the  radiologists then told her to enjoy any pain free moment she had to the utmost because  she would die in approximately 8 month regardless of any further treatment. Following that advice and disregarding other advice she was able to enjoy two short vacations in North Conway and Franconia (see photo,  June 2002, below).where, exactly 6 months after her hip replacement and 5 months before her death,  she climbed the 300 steps into the Lost River Gorge. Subsequent experimental treatment with Gemzar and EKB at MGH & Dana Faber (Mass General Hospital) failed. On her 79th birthday, 21 days before her death,  she went to vote to 'do her civic duty' one last time. Two weeks before her death she arranged for her own cremation and engaged the North Shore Hospice service. She died in her bedroom at 27 Greystone Park, Lynn in the arms of our daughter Yetti at 09h45 Tuesday November 26 2002.
Anita was loved by all who knew her for her integrity, generosity, loyalty,  and her readiness at all times to listen. Her attitude to life was always positive  whatever the circumstance. She was determined to do all things "right" often  in the face of  indifference and even ridicule on my part. She was devoted to her family,  to me and to her pets. She loved live theater, nature, planting vegetables and travel.. Anita was free from vertigo, from phobias and from prejudices of any kind.  She loved to play with wind-up toys and musicboxes. She loved to play games and I never beat her at Chinese Checkers. Her room was filled with small stuffed animals. Our love was intense and  physical to the end. We often embarrassed our children and friends by  shows of affection or by clowning  in public places. Her personality was ennigmatic in that she combined rational opinions with an unwillingness to debate or discuss issues. Her facial features were also hard to pin down because the essence of the face lay in its animation. Photographs were therefore more successful in rendering  characterist images of  her than attempts at live drawings

Our relationship started suddenly and  in circumstances involving both of us, but each of us separately,  in  pressing activities involving changes in citicenship status,. personal relationships and country. We had no time to gradually develop intimacy as lovers and to some degree  this state persisted through most of our lives together. After we retired in 1986 we looked at each other in a different light. Love came late and gradually to me - I can not speak for Anita - but my love for her, was always physical, but after takiing her for granted most of my life it grew intense and  eventually encompassed all facets of her being,.

Her death has taken from my life most of its immediate motivations of these last years,  and has limited my potential for joyful experience.
In deep deep sorrow, Lothar Frenkel  11/29/2002

1937     BERLIN EINSEGNUNG                       1948 NUEREMBERG MARRIED


                           WASHINGTON DC 1962 WITH FAMILY       JUNE 2002 FRANCONIA NEW HAMPSHIRE

         DIED NOVEMBER 26th 2002